And So The Adventure Begins..

And So The Adventure Begins..

I am very exited to announce that I was able to get a new laptop with WAY better graphics, so please stay tuned for better  blog postings.
As always, I am just ending spring break in RL, and I go back to being full time in college tomorrow. (SuperSadFace) So I will be posting when I can.
As an update,  I no longer blog  for specific stores anymore, as a) their clothing has gotten shitty, and ive left their groups, or b) I dont want to be subjected to blog certain things. (As stated on my disclaimer, I have the right to refuse to blog items)
So, I will be freelance blogging, until further notice.
Thank you so much for the continuous support lovelies ♥♥♥♥


| T O P |
Blueberry – Asia Leather Jacket (STFU)  ::Color:: Beige
| J E A N S |
[Cynful] -Bell Bottoms – Ripped Dark Blue – (Graffiti)
| H A I R |
Magika – Careful (Hud 03)
| L I P  P I E R C I N G S |
Cute Poison – Ova
| S K I N |
((=alterego=)) janae – smokey
↑ updated to the most recent LM ↑
| M E S H  B O D Y |
Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara